

A lot of people are on the skin's surface for a soft, benign growths flesh-colored. In the majority of cases, they have a "foot". In everyday life, the skin lesions are referred to as warts. However, in dermatology, they are papillomas are called.

These tumors can occur in any area of the body. However, the most common are the armpits, the neck and the trial was over. If they don't pay attention to it, they are in a position to increase in size, in order to get injured, a door contact, met, clothing, and bleed.

Why is there a skin polyps, do I need to go to the doctor, and how to get rid of a chicken to ever get to us.

What is papilloma

The main cause of illness is the human papillomavirus, of HPV. He has been in the body of nearly every person. However, not all symptoms are present in the form of tumors. This is because good health is a virus that is met successfully suppressed by the immune cells. And in 2 to 3 years of age, in the majority of cases, it is removed from the body.

So, what is this virus? HPV is a shell-minder virus, which is embedded in the DNA of the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. It is located close to the surface, without going into the deeper layers of the skin.

For many months, and years, and even slumbering. The door to reduction of the immune system, for a variety of reasons, the virus aktiviziruyutsya, and it begins to grow. So there are warts.

The factors that have a negative impact on the immune system are:

  • The constant stress.
  • Poor-quality monotonous diet.
  • A lack of vitamins.
  • Chronic tiredness and fatigue.
  • A passive lifestyle.
  • Bad habits are.
  • Of a malignant tumor.
  • Of the major infectious diseases.
  • Uncontrolled reception of antibiotics.

At-risk groups, the elderly are the age-related changes in the body, the worse the file for viruses. The lesions on the skin in children). Unformed, it is a kind of immune system is not able to cope with the virus. He is, after 2-3 months after the infection is in its active phase.

Very important! If the person is infected with, met, SPEAK, and then to remove it completely from the body, it is impossible. Either on their own, and he is in a "sleep" state, while strengthening the immune system.

Risk factors for women

During the pregnancy, as in women, there is a natural inhibition of the immune system. This is necessary in order to ensure that, in the view of the organism, embryo, on the subject, as it is a strange and gave it the ability to attach to the uterus (womb). If the woman in the body, it is the human papilloma virus, and it will always be to take advantage of this moment in time. Therefore, if you are pregnant, the occurrence of papillomas — common problem.

Risk factors for men

Causes of skin lesions in men were rooted in alcohol abuse, frequent change of seksuele partners, and cigarette Smoking. Die, Bad habits have a negative effect on the General state of immunity, and the constant inhalation of tobacco smoke, impairs the protection of the local and the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract. This may lead to a serious disease, such as laryngeal papillomatosis.

The average latent period, lasts from 3 months to a year. In good health, the infected are only one person, the carrier shall, without any external signs. However, the danger lies in the fact that it is in a position to infect another person.

Ways to SPEAK with your doctor

The cause for some time to be able to and can survive in the human body. The infection usually occurs by the transmission of the virus through contact-household way. It can be a handshake, a touch screen, and the use of household items, toys and games. Many cases of contamination in places of public resort. It's the bathtub, the pool, and water parks.

However, for the penetration to the dermal layer of the skin to be a condition — damage to the skin. Enough To cause an infection, cracks appear on the small skin abrasions.

In a newborn, the infection is in the vertical path, that is, the mother-in-dräger at the beginning of our process, during breast-feeding.

Genital warts genital genital warts are transferred only by means of unprotected sexual intercourse. It is also possible to samsarajade, that is, the transmission of the virus to the body of the one to the other. This is done door-scratching turn of the growth, as, for example, during the shaving process.

The main types and kinds of warts

HPV-the Strains of it, there are a lot of. Medicine, as it is well known that only about 200 different types of the virus. Some of the ore will affect only the parts of the body, and the other of the mucous membranes, the genitalia, the origin and the third installment in the oral cavity and the larynx.

Among the well-known types are the types of dying and high risk of cancer. For example, the most dangerous women are the viruses, 16, 18 and 31 species. They are often seen in the cervical identified in the erosion and determine the cause of the degeneration and cancer. The presence in the body vysokokonkurentnyj types of virus, it does not mean that the person has cancer, it is. However, there is a greater focus on health and checked by a specialist.

The shape and the size of the order of papillomas, type:

  1. Vulgar is, the common, the most common tumors. Often appear between the toes, on the feet, the soles, and chin. Plantar warts have several hard compressed due to the pressure. Often it is painful, but it is not cancer.
  2. Filiform, of acrochordus are typical for the elderly people. The remote is a yellow colour with a thick. Has a tendency to increase as time goes on. Always apply a thin stalk. Are located in the armpits, on the neck, skin folds and the groin. Will not be able to disease.
  3. Flat , small and numerous skin lesions a flat. The light On the skin and on the increase. Physical of brown. Situated right in the face, the upper part of the chest, in the region of the anus. Low-risk disease.
  4. Genital warts genital warts by themselves are only on the genitals. Especially The transmission, is for you. And the degeneration into malignancy.

Some of the dangerous HPV papillomatosis disease of the larynx. The white patches and sores can interfere with normal breathing can have a major effect on the vocal cords. This is a condition that can lead to suffocation. This is often one of the diagnosis is that the diagnosis among children. In the complex of virus cases are going down, and it has an effect on the bronchial tubes, the lungs and the trachea.

The risk of skin tumors

Most of the chicken does not pose a threat to life and health. They are only a cosmetic defect and can lead to mental health problems.

Papilloma, But when it is caused by a virus that has a high level of oncogenicity, of which, in unfavorable circumstances, this can lead to a diagnosis of cancer. Disease leading to severe intoxication, as well as the spread.

Factors to die and could lead to education and disease:

  • sunscreen-exposure to the sun's ultra-violet radiation;
  • SPEAK with your doctor, it is true, as a result of her injuries
  • chronic inflammation in the body, and to prevent the decline in immunity.

Tumors tend to grow Also, and their number is growing. They have a tendency to get together in a group, and the result has been a large hit area. Rub it on your clothes, it can result in injuries and bleeding, and to build it up.

If you need to go to the doctor

It is absolutely essential to consult a dermatologist for a checkup if you notice any of the following changes:

  1. After the injury, the wound will heal, don't. In view of the elimination of liquids, and it is a pain to the touch.
  2. The education was of a darker Color.
  3. Papillomavirus have begun to increase in size.
  4. Pus is coming.
  5. The kind of smell.
  6. Pain is Throbbing, even at rest.
  7. Loss of hair growth.

Your skin is subjected to forming, and inspection and monitoring of door to genetic pre-disposition to cancer. If the papilloma to live with the discomfort and have an impact, then they are subject to mechanical removal.

The Diagnosis and treatment of papillomas

The diagnosis and treatment of papillomas

Depending on the position, you should consult a dermatologist, gynecologist, the urologist. For the evaluation of the growth will occur in the following studies:

  • Dermatoscopy is a detailed study of the human papillomavirus vaccination using the make-up of the device.
  • A blood test to detect the presence of antibodies against HPV.
  • PCR-diagnostics.
  • The taking of biological material for the test, histology (if there is a suspicion of malignancy of primary education).

Vaginal formulations, the doctor will take samples from the urethra, of the neck of the womb. Test for Stds. The diagnosis of the presence of the genital warts, is carried out the door for both partners.

When to be able to implement more result analysis in order to check the immune status.

The treatment of the disease are aimed at suppressing the virus and improving the immune system. And this is necessarily prior to the removal of all the tumours, as the source of the virus. Held on antiretroviral therapy and receiving immunomodulators.

A method for the removal of the entity

Depending on the size and location of the proposals, a doctor, the following are the methods of surgical removal.

A method for the removal of the entity
  • Cryosurgery (exposure to liquid nitrogen.
    The disadvantage of this method is that the expert is not accurate, the depth of the effect. Because of this, the risk of burns caused by incomplete resection of the mass.
  • Laser removal
    It is a modern way to die, it is possible to have a session to get rid of all the different groups. Do not leave any scars. Not bleeding, so what is the process for the sealing of the vessels. It has a number of contra-indications.
  • Electrocoagulation.
    This method involves the exposure of the monitor to the probe. Effectively, in the prime of warts, all of which have a strong odour. Used to be in the intimate zone. Benefits: external build-up that can be sent to you for further study, the laboratory.
  • The Radio wave method is a method of psychiatrie.
    The Specialist will be able to individually select the length and the strength of the radio waves, given the depth of the growth. It is carried out, using apparatus "Surgitron". Healthy cells are not damaged, it is a point that has an influence on the growth of a thin electrode. Repair is not required.

In rare cases, surgical excision of the education system. It is used for large lesions and if there are any signs of malignancy. This is the most radical, but effective way. Is required following the restore. Often it will leave a small scar. The risk of relapse is minimal, the surgeon will remove the build-up, allowing a healthy environment. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

Just A normal papillomas can be removed using special chemicals. They contain the alkali and the acid. But, true to this method, the risk of getting burned. In addition, incomplete removal of the growth is often leads to new forms of teaching. Self-removal of the formations that can lead to serious negative consequences.

Preventive measures

To fully protect yourself from HPV, it is only possible to the door of vaccination. However, it is recommended that just prior to the seksuele activity. It protects against only the most dangerous types of viruses will die, and can lead to cancer.

In order to reduce the risk of papillomas, it is necessary to observe the basic rules and regulations.

  • In a public place, not in bare feet. Just use it on your shoes.
  • In the public toilets and have to use disposable plates.
  • The use of a condom during oral and vaginal sex. However, it will only be a 50% protection of the infection, because it is a relatively simple, close physical contact.
  • Looking for a monogamous relationship.
  • Minimize close contact with an infected person who has symptoms of the disease.

Special attention should be paid to health, and if you are bent to a pregnant woman. For the pre-pass test is a test for the detection of HPV infection.

In order to prevent a recurrence of the disease after the removal, you must carefully follow the doctor's recommendations. You need to take care of their immune system, reducing the level of an ideal. In order to do so, and it is to eat a healthy diet, exercise and bad habits.

The presence of HPV in the body, it is not a reason to sound the alarm and start the intensive care unit. But, when it is detected in the skin tumors, it is best to consult a physician.